Contact Us

If you have questions about Closed Captioning not showing up or incorrect captions, please contact us via the form below, or via email, or call 800-937-5287. We will make every effort to respond or otherwise resolve your inquiry within 24 hours or one business day.


Written Closed Captioning Complaints

Before sending a formal written complaint, we recommend you first contact our captioning hotline. We may be able to resolve your problem immediately without the need for a formal complaint. In any event, we will respond to your complaint within 30 days.

Please make sure that your written feedback includes all of the information required by the Federal Communications Commission:

  1. Your name, postal address, and other contact information, such as telephone number or email address;
  2. The name, postal address, website, or email address of the video programming distributor and/or video programming owner against which a complaint is made, and information sufficient to identify the particular video programming involved;
  3. Information sufficient to identify the software or device used to view the program;
  4. The date and time of the incident, and a statement of the facts sufficient to show that the video programming distributor and/or video programming owner has violated the requirements;
  5. The specific relief sought;
  6. The preferred format or method of response to the feedback.

Send to:

Maureen Rossmeier
Engineering Manager
KCTS Television
316 Broadway Seattle, WA 98122
Seattle, WA 98122

Phone: 206.728.6463
Fax: 206.443.6691
